I am going to devote this section to relationships. I will focus on my relationship with my parents as a first step. Vern will then do the same with his parents. I think the relationships we have or have had with our parents probably images the relationships we have with our children and our husbands […]
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My Blog Experience so far
I’m trying to get used to having to think back to front in putting this blog together. My introduction is right at the bottom. When you read a book the introduction is the first thing you read. But Im told by the expert in this field that people are lazy and dont like to scroll […]
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MY FAMILY IF PEOPLE WERE PLACES my family would be Mt Everest. The sherpas would be Mum and Dad guiding our occasionally rebellious and stubborn children by setting reasonable boundaries and leading by example. The mountain climbers would be our determined children who would strive to achieve the greatest in climbing the slippery slopes of […]
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An Introduction
As I’m new at blogging I am just experimenting with a few ideas on what I really want on this site. I want to start off with a few family photos but may have to get Raewyn and Russell to supply me with appropriate ones. I would also like to try poem writing but not […]
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